Last time we talked about two forms of meditation. There are many ways of meditating, some ancient and some new. Again, it is a great idea to try several forms to find what “fits” you and your lifestyle. This time we will look at a couple more, just to give you some ideas.

Loving Kindness (Metta) Meditation:

In this form of meditation, the practice is to direct well wishes, affection, support to others. Typically, there are phrases or words spoken, internally or aloud, that are meant to evoke good or warm feelings. This is sometimes incorporated into mindfulness or Vipassanya meditation. To begin, sit in a comfortable position. After several deep breaths ( there’s that breathing again), you repeat the words: May I be happy. May I be well. May I be safe. You can certainly tailor your well-wishes. After directing your thoughts toward yourself, you might picture a loved one or friend who needs well wishes or simply because of love or appreciation. You may bring into your mind as many people, pets, etc as you wish. Traditionally this meditation ends with the universal blessing: May all beings be happy. Or well. Or whatever positive image you choose to hold.

Guided Meditation:

Guided meditation is a newer form of meditation and can be useful and enjoyable for some people. For some people, visual guided meditation can be helpful. For some, auditory guided meditation works well. There are many recorded meditations to buy but many can be found on Youtube or channels specifically for meditation, yoga, and spiritual practices. Many guided meditations are created by licensed therapists. I encourage you to try some and see how they work for you. If you enjoy group meditation, this form may be very pleasant, sometimes, however, these meditations bring up interesting emotions and images. Be sure to discuss anything that comes up with a trusted friend or therapist, etc.

Meditation can be one more tool in managing your emotions. Meditation is proven to reduce stress, help control anxiety, promotes self-awareness, and may lengthen attention span. Meditation can lower blood pressure, and there is some speculation that it may help reduce age-related memory loss and help with addiction. These are a few of the many benefits of meditation. It is worth trying!

Happy breathing, gratitude writing, and exploring meditation as you work on managing your emotional states!

Written by Lori Brandt